sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019

what kind of clothes do teenagers wear in your country now?in the past?

In my country teenager use wear many types of clothes can be from the flip until shoes and leather boot ,but of course not all the people use it .in my country is the mode the pants break ,many people are very crazy because him are too crazy that the man or women do not expecific genero out the street with change type of clothes exactly a person male use that women making you see gay , the peoples that high power  as the precident , miniters and gazebos use clothes more formal for example the president duque use one suit that carry necktie ,denim pant ,vest usually many persons a clock is placed in my country the women usually always seek to dress well and go out decent to compared to men also something that is so in my country are jean jackets and everything that has to do with jean fabric some famous people of my country farandula almost always come out with clothes or new dress styles that they do about going out to others .

carmen villalobos
The peoples that my country are vey interesting in their form that use dress and of to combine all type that clothes alredy than they have ideas crazy and very very novelty that surprise everyone when someone asks how people dress from my country something very curious is that the peoples that my country when give some tip of how dress that form new and interesting  all person is surprised witn hteir new look.
Resultado de imagen para ropa casual de colombiaResultado de imagen para ropa casual de colombia

Resultado de imagen para ropa casual hombreResultado de imagen para ropa casual hombreResultado de imagen para ropa casual de colombia

 the past fashion was very interesting since everyone had a new and innovative way of dressing because they dressed like the old west was very cool since one could be inspired by them and thanks to eloos today more than one of the lord was inspired to make new costumes and designs that made a new fashion movement that led to society being updated with everything it wants to do with fashion

Resultado de imagen para ropa casual de colombiaResultado de imagen para ropa casual de colombia
Resultado de imagen para ropa casual de colombia

1 comentario:

what kind of clothes do teenagers wear in your country now?in the past? In my country teenager use wear many types of clothes can be fro...